Archive | October 2010


In honor of the upcoming elections, i hoped to have a little poll myself. With the awkwardly awesome amount of hits the blog has been having lately, i was wondering what it is you guys like best about the site. If you could take literally 5 seconds (unless you’re a REALLY slow reader) to just answer 1 question, it would be very much appreciated! 😀 Thanks guys!

What’s Black and Red all over?: The Red-Tailed Black Shark

Hello everyone! So i know i haven’t done this segment in a while, and i apologize for it. While i’m at it, i’d also like to apologize for the corny joke in the title, but i just couldn’t help myself!

At any rate, today, we bring you the Red-tailed Black Shark which has been extinct in the wild since 1996, so not that long ago! Although it is called a shark, the Red-tailed Black Shark is actually a relative of the minnow or carp, freshwater fish. This little guy was indigenous to the beautiful nation of Thailand, but it is suspected that after a long period of river construction (like dams), the fish was killed off. Today, the aquarium bred fish have either orange or red tails, and oddly enough, is an excellent jumper, liable to jump out of its aquarium. Occasionally, these fish can be territorial with members of their own species and will sometimes fight to the death, though other species of fish do not bother it so much.

Unfortunately, much like plants, fish don’t seem to raise much of a conservation effort. However, as you may already know, i feel that all creatures have the right to live on this beautiful planet of ours, WITHOUT any threat of humans! Therefore, i encourage all of you to do whatever you can to save this fish! You can contact the IUCN or the International Union for Conservation of Nature to ask them to help out at:
Their website is:

where you can learn about a lot of conservation efforts! Thanks guys!

Red-tailed Black Shark


200 – the movie!

I know, i’m being chessy with the puns again, but i wanted to thank everyone for all there support for this blog! Today, we have hit TWO-HUNDRED hits, which for me, is a very big accomplishment! 😀 So thank you everyone and look forward to the next article ;D

And remember! If you have ANY concerns, comments, suggestions, or anything else, PLEASE feel free to contact me! Thank you!

The Devil Worshipers of Pokemon

Hi all! So as i was browsing the wonderful world of facebook, i stumbled upon an article my friend had posted.

So as i was reading this article, at first i thought this man was going to make some valid points about how children can be overly obsessed with popular artifacts today, and how parents should learn to not give their children everything they want immediately. But as i continued to read, i realized that this man was in fact a pure religious idiot, stating that Pokemon was actually Satan’s game, and that it incites children to abuse others, beat kids up, and run away from home. The example he specifically cites is that of his 4 year old grandson. Because 4-year-old boys have never in the history of man bit their sisters, or enjoys violence of any sort. Of course, today’s increasing violence in media is to slightly blame for this, but one CAN NOT blame the tantrums and attitudes of little children on a CARD game!

Afterwards, this ridiculous even manages to classify Sailor Moon and Star Wars as part of the occult! Although a stretch, i can somewhat see how the game Magic may be misconstrued as this, but a show where the heroine tries to actually GET RID of evil!!! And i don’t even see where the Star Wars point could possibly go other than in the belief of aliens, which I’m inclined to believe HAVE TO exist somewhere in this wide expanse of the universe!
He even raises the “concern” of children “carry[ing] their favorite monsters like magical charms or fetishes in their pockets, trusting them to bring power in times of need…”. Yes, a child being able to carry a pack of cards in their pocket as a form of entertainment absolutely qualifies as depending on a magical charm and chanting spells to grant good luck on a test or receiving a board position. I wonder if he ever considered that while children ARE impressionable, they are NOT stupid! Which raises my next point!

The highlight of the article was when this genius of a man was seriously concerned about children playing a card and then raising a stick in the air saying “I summon you!” is actually a form of possession, and children believe that the “spirits” of these cards ENTER them! Also, did i mention we live in the medieval times and that the black plague and small pox are still running rampant? Oh! And we can’t forget that the US is actually not a country but a territory of the the largest empire in the world – Great Britain. Oh, wait, none of that is true! It ONCE was, much like people ONCE believed that possession was a common place incident. Fortunately for mankind, we’ve evolved past that and are now past these ridiculous beliefs. And if anything with “cult-like” properties, like childrens’ television shows, like Spongebob and Dora the Explorer (though i wouldn’t actually mind getting rid of either one of these), should be banned, hell! – why don’t we just ban TV? Because EVERY show has SOME viewership following! That’s Satan calling out to us right there!

Do you know what we as American citizens should do? We should IMMEDIATELY follow the advice of intelligent people like this, and let the world fall to hell. Don’t YOU think that’s a good idea? Honestly, people NEED to learn that there is no harm in letting your child have fun in these things, though everything should be done in moderation. Not EVERYTHING can and SHOULD be related to religion! Speaking from personal experience, if one lets religion dictate every emotion, action, and thought they feel, why we are no more than shells of the humans i’m sure God intended us to be. If God created man, I’m sure his purpose, as a supreme being/creator, was NOT for us to worship him for 10 hours a day (like my religion states (and i DEEPLY disagree with)), but to instead live out our lives in the best and healthiest way possible and to enjoy our lives! And if there IS no God, no heaven or hell, and no satan unlike the genius above is stating, then would all this religion really do us any good since we would simply be dead. The ONE life that we had would have been wasted on something that never even existed.

At any rate, if you have any comments or anything else, please feel free to leave them and let me know your thoughts on this atrocity of an article! Thanks for reading! 😀

The Geisha: the prostitute of Japan?

Hello everyone! I’m sorry i haven’t had a chance to write lately but i’ve been really busy with college. At any rate, i recently watch the movie Memoirs of a Geisha and am now reading the book. Although i consider myself a Japanese fanatic, or a weebo as one of my friends so delicately put it, i really didn’t know about one of the most cultural aspects to have somewhat survived in Japan – the Geisha. When most people, particularly Americans, think of a geisha, they immediately think that a geisha is the equivalent to a prostitute. However, based on the research done by the author of Memoirs, this was not the full truth. According to Arthur Golden, a geisha is a woman who entertains men with conversation, dance and music, but also has to sell her virginity to the highest bidder. After doing some research of my own, i found out that the geisha of Japan were actually very sophisticated and cultured women who practiced many arts, flower-arranging NOT being one of them. Furthermore, the practice of selling one’s viriginity, or mizuage, was not real. In fact, a mizuage actually consisted of a tea ceremony and a different hair cut to symbolize one’s coming of age.

After going into my research, i began to wonder why many people have the misconception that geisha are prostitutes when i can upon a startling find. Back in the hay day, or during WWII to be more precise, many American soldiers were stationed in Japan, and Japanese women (meaning geisha and prostitutes) were stumbling over themselves for a chance to be able to entertain these men and gain some sort of higher status – to clarify, geisha simply wished to continue to practice their art, not sleep with these men. Thus, the “geisha girl” was born. Geisha girls were actually prostitutes who dressed like geisha, BUT wore the traditional obi, or the band that held their kimono together in the front (for easy removal since it could take up to an hour to arrange an obi correctly for a real geisha), and they also fashioned their hair a different way.

Japanese prostitutes

With the girl on the left, you will notice her obi is tied in the box fashion, while the girl on the right has the sash fashion. It is important to note that both of these girls are prostitutes, which can also be seen from their hair.

When the soldiers began coming to Japan, prostitutes began dressing more similarly to geisha, with a few differences, as stated above. However, the American soldiers couldn’t tell the differences between the girls, as they probably only saw the white face make up as a distinguishing feature. Just to clarify, I’m for once not blaming Americans for their ignorance as i realize how difficult it can be to distinguish people from a completely different culture. To these Americans, they were probably trying to distinguish different types of foods, forget about the people. At any rate, the soldiers, in their unknowing-ness began calling these women “Geisha girls” and the word forever became synonymous with the word geisha. Even today, when foreigners see real geisha, they still call them “geisha girls.” I can bet you that if you go out onto the street and ask someone what a geisha is, they will either reply that they do not know, or that it is a prostitute.

I’d like to point out that a lot of this knowledge would not be available to me, and thus you, if it wasn’t for 1) Mrs. Mineko Iwasaki, who had to bear through many horrendous things because of Mr. Arthur Golden’s inability to follow a contract, and for her book Geisha, A Life, which although i have yet to read, made me realize how many of Mr. Golden’s details were incorrect, and 2) Mr. Okinawa Soba, whose flickr account made many interesting details about the lives of geisha and prostitutes available to me. Three of the URLs i used were:

I’d also like to point out just HOW difficult it is to find a picture of a formally and correctly dressed geisha, and a japanese prostitute. Well, I hoped this article brought some light upon the subject. Furthermore, I really don’t have much feedback from anyone about how i’m doing with these articles, and as i’ve never done anything like this before, i would very much appreciate any comments, feelings, questions, discrepancies, criticisms or whatever else it is that you can think of! In closing, I will leave you some pictures of ACTUAL geisha, and you can compare the differences for yourself. Thank you!

Geisha back (the neck was very important for geisha)

Geisha back (the neck was very important for geisha)

Geisha full back

Geisha full back

Geisha (modern day)

Geisha (modern day)


Mineko Iwasaki as a young geisha in the 1960s

Mineko Iwasaki as a young geisha in the 1960s